Group therapy

Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy at Manlove Brain and Body Health

Manlove Brain and Body Health recently announced that they will be offering group and individual therapy sessions for depression patients. To learn more about this new offering, read the interview below with therapist Gaylen Bendewald, MSW who will be leading these sessions.

Who are these psychotherapy sessions intended for?

Both of the group and individual sessions are specifically designed for depression patients who are undergoing ketamine therapy as part of their treatment plan. Ketamine is a very unique and powerful medication that can help rewire the brain. With these sessions, we will help patients process their ketamine experience and help them find ways to positively restructure the way they think about themselves and the world around them. 

What are you hoping patients will gain from attending these sessions?

I hope that with these sessions, patients will:

  • Develop the emotional state needed to get the most out of ketamine 
  • Process the experiences you have while in ketamine treatment or other treatments for depression 
  •  Explore the untapped potential for change through ketamine treatment coupled with mindfulness training 
  • Learn to celebrate life again

In addition, I think group sessions will be especially beneficial for patients to see that they are not alone. Hearing the stories and strategies of other patients who are going through a similar journey can have an incredible impact on patients to find their way through dark times.  

Tell us a little bit about your background.

I am a licensed clinical social worker with 45 years of outpatient experience. I love to incorporate mindfulness and meditation in my counseling practice, and I have led a meditation group alongside my wife, Lois, for 10 years, as well as taught mindfulness for many, many years.

When will sessions be available?

Group therapy will be offered on Tuesdays from 12pm-1:15pm starting in the next several weeks.

Individual therapy sessions will also be available during clinic hours on Tuesdays. These sessions are meant for people who want to become more of “a student of their own thoughts” through mindfulness or awareness training as a means to a more peaceful, joyful life. 

Will therapy sessions be covered by insurance?

We are working with a variety of insurance providers to cover the cost of therapy sessions for our patients. Please check with your insurance provider to confirm that Manlove Brain and Body Health is in network and that your coverage includes psychotherapy. 

How can patients sign up?

To sign up for group or individual therapy sessions, please let our front desk staff or your current Manlove Brain and Body Health provider know that you would like to sign up. You can reach our front desk staff at 605-348-8000 or [email protected].


Megan Burgard CNP at Manlove Brain and Body Health

Mental Health Specialist, Megan Burgard – Nurse Practitioner

Introducing Nurse Practitioner, Megan Burgard to the Manlove Brain and Body Health team!

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): How it works, what to expect, side effects.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) was developed in 1985, and has been  FDA-approved since 2008 as an alternative treatment for depression. TMS is covered by most health insurance plans for those with treatment resistant depression (TRD) which is defined as a patient who has tried 4 or more antidepressant medications and therapy without relief. It can also help people with symptoms of PTSD, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, social anxiety disorder, seasonal affective disorder, and other mental illnesses.

Amanda VanConant CNP at Manlove Brain and Body Health in Rapid City, South Dakota a treatment resistant depression clinic specializing in TMS and Ketamine Esketamine (Spravato) mental health treatments.

Mental Health Specialist, Amanda VanConant – Nurse Practitioner

We are so grateful to have Nurse Practitioner Amanda VanConant as part of our team at Manlove Brain and Body Health!

Brain Health for Mental Health at Manlove Brain and Body Health in Rapid City, South Dakota

Brain Health

Led by Certified Health Coach, Jodi Thom, MB+BH patients can now receive coaching to improve their brain health. “When people hear that our patients have only a 10% relapse rate compared to the average depression relapse rate of 40-50%, they want to know what we’re doing differently,” says Ms. Thom. “Focusing on customized lifestyle improvements that will facilitate brain health is one of the main factors that helps our patients get sustaining relief for their unique mental health condition. I’m so excited to take our focus on overall health to the next level by providing patients with personalized plans to improve their habits for activity, diet, sleep, and relationships.”

Family members, friends, and colleagues with mental health and treatment resistant depression during the holiday season at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner in the Black Hills.

Dos & Don’ts of Supporting Someone with Mental Illness

As a friend or family member of someone with a mental illness, it can be hard to know the best ways to be supportive. With the holidays just around the corner, it’s important to know that while the holidays are a time that many people look forward to, this can be a very hard time of year for those with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Family gatherings can be overwhelming and conversations, at times, can feel more like interrogations. With this in mind, our team of mental health professionals have put together a list of dos and don’ts to help you better support your loved ones with mental illness this holiday season and beyond. 

Dr. Stephen Manlove at Manlove Brain and Body Health speaking to woman about mental health, forensic psychiatry, forensic psychiatrist, expert witness, psychiatric evaluation

Mental Healthcare: Where to Start

Once someone decides that it’s time to take control of their mental health, it can be hard to know where to start. Do I see a therapist or a psychiatrist? Do I need medication like ketamine? This blog will walk you through the best approach to start on your mental healthcare journey and provide an overview of the different resources available to help you get started. While these steps are intended for those who have not yet addressed their mental health concerns with a provider, this may also be a useful guide for those who have already started to seek help by seeing where they are in the process and understanding their options for possible next steps.

Get Outside & Get Active!

One of the most amazing things about summer is that there are natural remedies everywhere to help improve your mood. The trick is to make sure that you take advantage of them while you can. The fresh air and sunlight are free resources that will help improve your mood, reduce stress, and improve your overall health. This is particularly important for anyone battling depression and especially treatment-resistant depression.


What You Need to Know About COVID-19 This Spring

As we move beyond  the one year anniversary of the COVID-19 outbreak here in the United States, Americans are filled with mixed emotions. You may feel relieved that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel as the vaccine is being distributed across the country to healthcare and frontline workers, military personnel, and seniors. No matter how you are feeling, it’s important to let go of the things that you cannot change and focus on the things that you can.

Advanced Brain and Body Clinic logo

New Twin Cities Clinic for Treatment-Resistant Depression

Advanced Brain + Body Clinic (AB+BC) is a new interventional psychiatric clinic opening in Minneapolis, MN. Developed by psychiatrists Stephen Manlove, M.D. and Brian Johns, M.D., this new clinic will focus on helping patients with treatment-resistant depression.